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A lagoon acting like a world wide magnet for nature enthusiasts

A 2024 french view of bacalar

a haven of peace in Mexico

Bacalar, is a magical site that has inspired many. This warm and colorful destination particularly attracts Europeans, especially the French in search of tranquility, diversity, and purity, seeking to rediscover a human pace of life and to vibrate on gentle and elevated frequencies.

The French community appreciates Bacalar during their travels on the Yucatán Peninsula. Some extend their stay to fully enjoy it, and some even dream of staying, returning, or even settling there permanently.


What if we dropped everything for a new phase of life in Bacalar?

How do the locals receive us? How could we adapt to the local customs and traditions? How would we cope with the climate? What budget should we plan for? What are the Mexican laws for a foreign investor?

Many have already thought about these questions and embarked on the adventure. All these questions find their answers in lived experiences. Theory and perfection are left aside, as it is a life choice that involves accepting the new, the renewal. It's not simple, it's not for everyone, but it is possible. Once embarked on this new life, we adapt, we gradually find the solutions that suit us. Life in Mexico teaches us to move forward "poco a poco."

Bacalar is not only charms with its natural beauty

This process can be difficult for Westerners used to controlling every detail of their lives, organizing every millimeter, and enduring the frantic pace of calls, reminders, messages, faxes, and emails. Here, by the gentle waters of the Caribbean, we learn to deconstruct ourselves to ask the right questions, identify our real needs, rebuild our values, and ultimately move forward in a life we love.

it also undergoes profound social, economic, and environmental changes. The rapid growth of tourism and immigration has transformed the local dynamics, creating new opportunities but also challenges. Infrastructures evolve—or don't—the population increases, and environmental pressures intensify, requiring sustainable management of natural resources to preserve the lagoon and its surroundings.

Several French couples have settled here, and more will continue to do so

 The Francophone community is large, with Belgians, Swiss, and Quebecers also present. It is pleasant to feel like a fraternity, to cross paths at the market, to meet in the evening, and to bring the Francophone community to life while integrating with the locals, who are not so local after all.

We are not the only expatriates: many nationalities mix, get to know each other, and coexist here in the gentle aquatic cradle of the Itza Maya. Even Mexicans come from several states, have gone through the adaptation process, and sometimes have immigrated 30, 20, 10 years ago or even just a year ago.

Bacalar, a promised land for all?

 The earth, the Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth. And it is up to us humans to respect it, to protect it from our actions, to value all that it provides us. Pacha Mama welcomes us wherever our hearts desire; it is up to us to give back what she brings us.

To a valiant heart, nothing is impossible!

With the support of : 

KeRico Bacalar
Soy Bacalar



We prioritise respect for the environment

At Bacalar Real Estate, we are committed to the environment and integrate sustainable practices into our operations to preserve the natural beauty of Bacalar for future generations. 1% of all our profits are donated to the Fundación Emerge Bak'Halal

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